About us

About the German-Speaking Congregations in Scotland and North-East England

We are a German-speaking congregation affiliated to the Protestant Church of Germany (Evangelische Kirche Deutschland).

Our extended parish covers all of Scotland and North East England, and comprises two congregations: a congregation in Scotland - with sub congregations in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen - and a congregation in Newcastle upon Tyne. Our minister is based in Edinburgh.

Although we are reformed congregations, following the Presbyterian system, our members and ministers come from different denominational backgrounds – reformed, Lutheran, united. We even have some Catholic members. This gives our congregations an ecumenical spirit. What unites us is our common language and culture – a chance to worship in our mother tongue. We welcome people of all language abilities.

In our congregations we offer regular services in German, and occasional ecumenical services in English in association with neighbouring local churches. Some of our larger congregations have a regular programme of events. Further information can be found on the individual city pages. Since 2020, we also offer online services and events.

Further reading:

Useful links:

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